“Go for an out-of-this-world ride with ‘Adam’s Package’ “ -Film Daily
Professional model Adam finds himself in danger as his hot new romance with fellow model Eve heats up. He encounters a questionable hit-man hired by his ex-wife, and Shadow government agents threaten him after discovering a Top Secret package in his basement. Not to mention a beautiful opera-singing ghost who is haunting his new condo. His only solution may be out-of-this-world.
@WhatIsAdamsPackage | #WhatIsAdamsPackage
Always interested in a laugh, an escape from the harsh realities of life, “Adams Package” presented itself as a perfect vehicle to perhaps accomplish that while still managing to deal with issues of truth and sinister power; questions about the afterlife and a total speculation on what is certainly one of the great questions of our age – are we alone in this whole wide wonderful world, universe, galaxy and beyond? So I figured, What the Hell! The worst that can happen is that things will be thrown at the screen (or in the case of a cell phone, the screen itself might be thrown at something)! And if that turned out to be the case, then screw them if they can’t take a joke. And if they love it, I will definitely be there to accept their admiration and coins without shame.
Andrew Chiaramonte [Writer/Director | Adam’s Package]
@WhatIsAdamsPackage | #WhatIsAdamsPackage
Always interested in a laugh, an escape from the harsh realities of life, “Adams Package” presented itself as a perfect vehicle to perhaps accomplish that while still managing to deal with issues of truth and sinister power; questions about the afterlife and a total speculation on what is certainly one of the great questions of our age – are we alone in this whole wide wonderful world, universe, galaxy and beyond? So I figured, What the Hell! The worst that can happen is that things will be thrown at the screen (or in the case of a cell phone, the screen itself might be thrown at something)! And if that turned out to be the case, then screw them if they can’t take a joke. And if they love it, I will definitely be there to accept their admiration and coins without shame.