Andrew Chiaramonte’s Adam's Package is a quirky and outrageous indie comedy that blends romance, sci-fi, and slapstick humor. The story follows Adam, a professional male model, whose life takes a wild turn when he's placed under house arrest for a crime he didn’t commit. While adjusting to his confinement, things spiral out of control as he's confronted with bizarre occurrences: a mysterious opera-singing ghost haunting his condo, an ex-wife who hires a hitman to kill him, and a secret government conspiracy involving a top-secret package hidden in his home.
The film’s outlandish plot ramps up when Adam’s new love interest, Eve, enters the picture, turning his house arrest into something that resembles a surreal honeymoon. But their bliss is short-lived, as Adam soon finds himself entangled in an alien conspiracy. Shadowy government agents, sent to retrieve the package, complicate matters, sending Adam on a rollercoaster of comedic misadventures. Balancing romance, ghostly hauntings, and alien secrets, Adam's Package offers a hilarious blend of sci-fi absurdity and screwball antics, complete with a hitman and the eccentric neighbors that color Adam’s world.
The film showcases a unique mix of over-the-top scenarios that appeal to fans of slapstick and offbeat comedy, and its themes touch on the absurdity of government secrecy and the concept of friendship and connection amidst chaos. With a rich variety of characters, including a ghost and even Jesus making an appearance, it’s a comedic romp that doesn’t shy away from the ridiculous.